Baud rate?
Liam D. Gray
liamdgray at
Fri Jul 6 11:29:39 BST 2012
The Entropy Key emulates a USB CDC serial port. What is the baud
rate, or which baud rates are possible?
Why am I asking? I want to write a driver to use the Entropy Key on a
slow host. How slow? It runs at about 16 (yes, sixteen) MHz, which is
slower than the 72 MHz processor inside the Entropy Key by a factor of
4.5 and probably is less than 1% of the speed of most of the host
computers you've supported so far. At this slow speed, it may be
difficult to run the Skein-256 decryption within the time I can budget
for it. Depending on the baud rate, I may be able to keep up, but I'm
certain I could keep up if I could set the baud rate arbitarily slow.
Or may I ignore some of the 32 byte packets or 256 byte blocks?
(Yes, I realize that I'll get random bits slower, or a slower entropy
stream, if I run at a lower baud rate or discard some of the packets
or blocks.)
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