Baud rate?

Liam D. Gray liamdgray at
Fri Jul 13 02:29:49 BST 2012

> The protocol in the Entropy Key is designed to be resistant to such "attacks".
> You'd do much better to MiM in the host between the consumer of the entropy and
> wherever it reads from.  Safer and more predictable.

There's no "attack."  There's only one man, myself.  My setup involves
one or possibly two computers: a cheap* host that reads from the
Entropy Key and controls something.  Besides this, there may a second
computer to which it relays data to be logged, or I may just use an SD
card to store the log.

*The host that reads from the Entropy Key and controls something has
to be as cheap as possible to minimize risk, because it operates in a
context in which it could be damaged.

If Skein-256 decryption runs in approximately the same time as
encryption, then probably a 96MHz NXP mbed board ($50-60) should be a
fast-enough host, because it has the same processor as in the Entropy
Key but at a slightly higher clock speed.


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