Entropy Key on Centos 6.2 & EGD

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens at gmail.com
Wed May 2 10:33:29 BST 2012

> egd-linux uses the watermarks to decide when to request entropy from the
> server.  You should double check the watermarks which are in
> /proc/sys/kernel/random as write_wakeup_threshold and read_wakeup_threshold --
> they're in bits and the write_wakeup_threshold I think governs when egd-linux
> will wake up and ask for entropy from the server.

$ cat read_wakeup_threshold 

$ cat write_wakeup_threshold 

$ cat entropy_avail 

# echo -n 3172 > write_wakeup_threshold
# sleep 5
# cat entropy_avail 

Is that all there's to it? :) I suppose I should add the `echo' to
the ekeyd startup script...



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